This year, the participants of Ohrid Summer School will reevaluate the Hotel Palas, Macedonia's decaying architectural gem, site listed as a national architectural heritage. The school will aim to propose an alternative strategy for bringing Palas back to life: one that harnesses the hotel's intangibles and challenges the universal standard of building hotels, diverging from the usual architectural approaches and focus on enhancing the visitor experience. What if architecture is the wrong tool to save these hotels? What if instead, we reimagine how leisure might look like? What if we challenge the five-start comfort, searching for the sources of happiness elsewhere?

WHO CAN APPLY? Students who've finished their fourth semester of architecture studies are welcome to apply. We also encourage motivated individuals from other disciplines, like designers, artists, urban ethnographers to join us.

APPLICATION PROCESS To apply, please fill out the application form: and include a short essay of one paragraph (500 words) explaining why you want to participate in this summer school. Additionally, submit your CV and a specific selection of your portfolio (maximum 2 pages) in PDF format. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2024. Selected participants will be notified via email by June 5, 2024.

REGISTRATION FEE The participation fee for the Summer School is 200 euros per participant. This fee covers material equipment, accommodation, meals, and transportation from Skopje to Ohrid and back.

CONTACT For further questions feel free to contact us at:

Охрид / Ohrid Summer school is organized by the School of Architecture and Design, UACS Skopje with support of the Министерство за култура / Ministria e Kulturës; Ambasada RP w Skopje / Амбасада на Република Полска во Скопје; and Municipality of Ohrid, in partnership with Muzeum Osiedli Mieszkaniowych, Lublin; Direction, Warsaw; Завод за заштита на спомениците на културата и Музеј-Охрид; architectural studio Proxy, Skopje; and the architectural collective Архрид / Arhrid, Ohrid. 

text povidet by Ohrid International Summer school for Architecture and Design 

School of Architecture and design, University American College Skopje

XI Architectural Summer School, Ohrid, North Macedonia

29 June - 6 July 2024

"Challenging the five-stars"

Leading tutor:

Kuba Snopek - Direction, Warsaw, Poland

Guest tutors:

Paulina Paga & Magda Zaworska - Museum of Housing Estates, Lublin, Poland